What Does LASIK Feel Like? featured image

What Does LASIK Feel Like?

Knowing what to expect helps alleviate some of the anxiety about LASIK eye surgery and helps patients feel more comfortable. Patients often have a list…


July 18, 2022

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Will LASIK Work for Me? featured image

Will LASIK Work for Me?

For many, the thought of anyone or anything touching their eyes induces anxiety or at least some degree of uncomfortableness. With the image of a…


July 4, 2022

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Can You Prevent from Getting Cataracts? featured image

Can You Prevent from Getting Cataracts?

Most cataracts develop due to the natural aging process or from an eye injury. Inherited genetic disorders, eye health conditions and medications such as long-term…


June 18, 2022

What Will Happen if Cataracts are Left Untreated? featured image

What Will Happen if Cataracts are Left Untreated?

Cataracts form when protein builds up over the lens of a normally clear eye causing cloudiness or blurry vision. Light passes through the lens located…


June 4, 2022

What is the Main Cause of a Cataract? featured image

What is the Main Cause of a Cataract?

Many eye diseases not only progress with age, but age is often the root cause behind the onset of serious eye conditions, including cataracts. The…


May 18, 2022

LASIK For Nearsightedness featured image

LASIK For Nearsightedness

Seeing clearly has never been easier. Go beyond prescription glasses and contacts with LASIK, the most common vision correction procedure that provides you with nearly…


May 4, 2022

Does LASIK fix lazy eyes? featured image

Does LASIK fix lazy eyes?

LASIK is a popular surgical treatment for common eye problems, helping patients go from blurry vision to (near) perfect eyesight again. Does LASIK fix lazy…


April 18, 2022

Types of lasers used during LASIK featured image

Types of lasers used during LASIK

LASIK and laser eye surgery seem to be synonymous, but are they? What types of lasers are used during LASIK?  There are many types of…


April 4, 2022

What is a LASIK flap? featured image

What is a LASIK flap?

LASIK surgery is a procedure to correct physical abnormalities of the eye that cause nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is performed with a laser…


March 18, 2022

How Long Does It Take for The Eye to Heal After Cataract Surgery? featured image

How Long Does It Take for The Eye to Heal After Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are quite common and develop due to age. More than half of all Americans over the age of 80 have cataracts and require cataract…


March 4, 2022