Since 1986, the Idaho Eye and Laser Center has been dedicated to offering the most progressive treatment and surgical procedures available anywhere. At all Idaho Eye and Laser Center locations, we have the newest state-of-the-art instruments, equipment, and computer systems to test, diagnose, and treat eye disease and refractive errors.
The Idaho Eye and Laser Center (located at 2025 East 17th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho) was founded and established by Kenneth W. Turley, M.D., in 1986 for the purpose of providing Southeast Idaho and the adjoining states with medical and surgical eye services under one roof. The physical facilities contain 14,000 square feet of floor space, two-thirds of which are devoted to clinical ophthalmology, business, and reception-related matters. A major add-on and remodel was completed in July 2009.
We opened our Ambulatory Surgery Center in Pocatello, Idaho, in January 1999. It is located at 1157 Call Place, Pocatello, Idaho. As with the Idaho Falls location, the new Pocatello Center has the capabilities to meet your full eye care needs.
We opened our Rexburg, Idaho, clinic and Ambulatory Surgery Center in January 2009. It is located at 491 First American Circle in Rexburg, Idaho. We are proud to serve the upper valley in this full-service ophthalmic clinic and Ambulatory Surgery Center.
Primary Physician Care Network
Aligned with the Idaho Eye and Laser Center is a network of competent primary care physicians, which provide our entire service area with primary eye care, including pre- and post-surgical co-management, refractions, and the latest eyewear, contact lenses, and refractive surgery options.
Communication, both with patients and referring physicians, is key to the success of the Idaho Eye and Laser Center. We use a variety of methods to educate patients on their conditions/procedure choices and to prepare them with consent information for ocular procedures when necessary. Prevention of eye disease is stressed, not only one-on-one with each patient encounter, but also by informing the public in general through the use of community lectures. We provide free screenings in the community for glaucoma, cataracts, and nearsightedness. Letters are sent to referring doctors of our findings, and a treatment plan is outlined for each patient encounter. Communication is assured and arrangements are made for optimal follow-up of patients as they return to the care of their referring doctor.
Dedicated to Quality Eye Care
Quality eye care is a top priority at the Idaho Eye and Laser Center, where we offer comfortable, safe surroundings for patients in the reception area as well as in each exam room and our operating suites. A team of anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists provide complete preoperative assessment, as well as local anesthesia and monitoring of patients undergoing eye surgery. We also provide 24-hour on-call service to our patients seven days a week with nurses and/or doctors available to our patients to allay fears, to discuss questions they may have, or to evaluate them personally as needed. We accept Medicare assignment, Medicaid patients, and most forms of medical insurance.
Technology and Training
The Idaho Eye and Laser Center is pleased to be at the forefront of eye care in the intermountain region. With rigorous continuing medical education programs, our doctors, nurses, and technicians, as well as our business department, stay at the forefront of technology in the use of surgical instruments, lasers (argon, YAG, and excimer), computers, and clinical instruments such as computerized/automated visual field analyzers, corneal topography instruments, ultrasound biometry and pachymetry, fluorescein angiography, etc. At the Idaho Eye and Laser Center, patients receive the best possible eye care that is available anywhere.
Managed Care and Cost Reduction
At the Idaho Eye and Laser Center, we have experience working with managed health care. We are not only committed to quality, but also to cost savings. We take the attitude that helping patients save money is very important to them and to us. Since the Idaho Eye and Laser Center has its own free standing surgical center, we can charge our patients less on many surgical procedures compared to a hospital setting. Our goal is to continue to provide state-of-the-art eye care to our patients in a warm